Why Teaching2Learn? I believe that in the process of teaching we also learn a lot. I not only give knowledge to the students I work with, I gain knowledge in the process. When I finished my undergraduate degree I thought I was done learning. I was leaving college behind and going on to the real world of work. However, the learning was just beginning. I'm doing things now that I never would have thought possible, like teaching students how to add information to wikis, using pathfinders for assignments, and creating presentations with others across the state using GoogleDocs. Would you like to try creating a wiki? The website wikispaces.com (http://www.wikispaces.com/) works great and it is free. Take a look at the wiki I recently created for use by an 8th grade Language Arts class: http://annefrankpathfinder.wikispaces.com/ Enjoy and give it a try!
Taking a Look at Engaged Learning
Before teachers can see how engaged learning can affect the education
of their student's one has to take a look at the definition of it. Engaged
14 years ago
I am glad you came to that realization, Brian. Learning should never stop. I hope I learn something with the last breath I take. And we should also make sure we keep our minds open to where and from who we learn things. I learn something from my kids nearly every day. I learn things from the janitor and the office manager and the guy in line with me at the grocery store. We should never stop learning and we should look for learning opportunities everywhere and from everyone. If we don't, we are limiting ourselves to a great degree and the one thing we should avoid as teachers is limits on our thoughts and ideas.